Wednesday, July 9, 2014

MANY changes since the last updates, We will most likely update soon with the changes we have been through.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

2 Year Anniversary (Daddy POV)

So our two year was a few months ago.. :)  OK, I am slow to update.  work work work work work. 

To my babygirl.  It has been a WONDERFUL 2 years.  I am happier than I have been in a long time!  You have come a LONG way in 2 years, You have grown, you have learned, and I love you more each day!

I know sometimes work interferes with the time you need and deserve, but it is what it is.  I work a lot. :)  If I were a millionaire I would probably still work at something.  It is who I am, and it makes me the man you love.

I love who you are becoming, and cannot wait to see what the next 2 years will bring.

Love always

Saturday, June 8, 2013

2 Year Anniversery! (BabyGirl POV) -Pos Trig Warning-

Dear Sire,

I have started this so many times and there is so much I would like to say. Our two year is in exactly two days, and so much has happened and changed. I guess I want to start by thanking you for giving me life. For you guys who do not know I was planning to.. well... yeah. However it was planned for Saturday because my siblings would have a babysitter and I left on Friday. So, no I am not being dramatic here. I thank you for my life Daddy.
The below is from the day after you picked me up: 

I would like to take a moment and reflect on how much I have changed. Lilly seems about the same though. >.< Still a bitch.A lot has changed and more than anything I have learned a lot about being more open. You have helped me grow so much!

You are such an amazing guy and I don't think you even truly realize this. You are though. I love you with ever inch of my being and probably more. I love how just your kisses can make my headache melt away or a hand on my hip can put me at peace. You are truly amazing like that. Maybe it is just because of how connected we truly are. Even my pills can't seem to put me to sleep if you aren't there to help me.

I may write more but right now I have to pee. =) Below are some pics from the last two years.

Slave Bella

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poll! 5/30-6/13

Spanking Poll! We will be running a spanking poll for the next week! Vote away and let us know what you would like to see Bella spanked with!

We will be filming and posting it after. =)

Isabella and Master Oak

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An update Daddy POV

So it has been forever since I have posted to the blog, and we get a decent number of hits.  But I know, you all come to hear what the hot girl has to say. :)

She has changed a LOT in the last 2 years.  Some of them are very good changes, she is a lot more sexual, she can talk to people now, (for the most part) and she is learning more about herself.  She also has some new desires that I am not very strong in, so it is now a learning experience for me as well.  The teacher becomes the student?

I have been working a LOT, (Hey... that is how you make the big bucks) so I have let a few things go, and need to pick them back up.  I guess I need some time management.  I also need some ME time, which is hard to find from time to time.

As she approaches 21, and I change jobs in the next month or so, things I am sure will change again.  Hopefully it will continue to get better and better, as it has for the last 2 years.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Another Year, Another Chance ((BbyGrl POV))

Well it's another year blog and I guess we need to keep at you. I have learned so much last year! Guess what? We have news! Oh yeah! So read on to find out everything!

Master, You know master right? Sir. Ron....? Lol! Well Master and I have agreed to adopt our first little one. I can't wait to find him or her. I just know the child will be amazing and Master will be a great dad. :)

I have learned I defiantly have a top side. I love making pain! Hmmmm Nothing better than a bright red bottom on your lap and turning it to a pretty shade of purple. I even got to flog very recently!

Well, to keep along with this progression we have had another babygirl for a little while. It is great in some aspects and horrible in some. I guess to be honest, it was the wrong time for something like this. My MPD was flaring and we needed to pay attention to distinct alters. We are her secondary now and I still love her but I am in a way happy that she has her own first now. Selfish but somethings do not work out the way you plan. So what did I learn?
  1. That having my own space is needed. ((Like the spot to the right of Daddys work computer.))
  2. Speak up when something is going wrong.
  3. If my littles say no, NO
  4. If it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck, and smalls like a duck, it has to be a duck. 
  5. ALONE TIME. Yeah, when you live with master then you get to sleep with him but if he works then you work then you clean, then go to bed, that is NOT alone time. Period.
So what Advice do I have for you? Talk often. Make a journal. Maybe even write letters. But keep at it. Sometimes this needs time. 

I hope you all have a great year! Oh I nearly forgot, My Resolutions for this year?
  • Get a mentor
  • Learn to flog better
  • Play better with a girl
  • Work on obedience
  •  Adopt