Saturday, September 21, 2013

2 Year Anniversary (Daddy POV)

So our two year was a few months ago.. :)  OK, I am slow to update.  work work work work work. 

To my babygirl.  It has been a WONDERFUL 2 years.  I am happier than I have been in a long time!  You have come a LONG way in 2 years, You have grown, you have learned, and I love you more each day!

I know sometimes work interferes with the time you need and deserve, but it is what it is.  I work a lot. :)  If I were a millionaire I would probably still work at something.  It is who I am, and it makes me the man you love.

I love who you are becoming, and cannot wait to see what the next 2 years will bring.

Love always