Sunday, August 14, 2011

Major jump forward for my babygirl - Daddy POV

Last weekend was a MAJOR step forward in my baby girls self confidence.  I could not be prouder.

Every year I go to Gencon.  It is a gaming convention for RPG's, board games, anime, etc.  I run REALLY hard during this 3 days every year, (I never go on Sunday, I am wore out and Sunday becomes recovery day) I only getting like 3-4 hours of sleep a night, and spend all of the rest of the time at the Con.  Tons of people dress in costume for some or all of the days of the con.  I decided HMT would dress up the 3 days we were there.  So I got her some VERY revealing costumes to wear.  This was for her self confidence.  She for some strange reason thinks she is ugly.  I knew Gencon would go a long way to fixing that issue.  So we got 2 sexy costumes for her, and I bought her a pink wig for some level of anonymity.  She didn't know that is why I got the wig, but she will now. :) 

She was VERY nervous driving to the con in her costume, and for probably the first hour we were there.  Then she got better about it as she saw other girls dressed just as provocatively, or more so than she was.  She also noticed TONS of people taking pictures of her as she walked by, some stopping to ask her to pose for a pic for them.  All of the heads turning as she passed... she was aware. 

On Thursday she was in a school girl costume, on Friday she was in a cat suit that was next to no costume at all. :)  On Friday we were walking through the art area, and out of the blue one of the exhibitor girls asked her if she would be interested in being a booth babe for her.  As explanation, a booth babe is a hot girl who works a booth as eye candy to attract customers to the booth.  I thought it was a great idea, so I made her do it for 30 minutes.  To alleviate her anxiety, I stayed within sight of the booth, but out of earshot so she could do her booth babe thing. :) 

On the drive home Friday night (well, Saturday morning) as we were talking about the fun we had that day her talk made me know that she was finally getting it.  I lead her conversation to how hot she was, and she finally admitted that people thought she was hot.  She even posted something on fet asking if she was really hot.  Success!!  I love it when a plan comes together. 

On a non life lesson front, we played several LARP's, and a game called werewolf which is a group game that is very simple, but VERY difficult.  I love it every year, and she did too.  She had a blast with the LARPS, and the booths, and the people, and meeting my friends.  She loved Gencon!  I don't think I will have a problem getting her to go next year!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo GLAD that you are doing this girl a world of good!! You have brought her a long way in just a few months! I remember when she was so unhappy about her life in Florida. Confidence building is so crucial to an individual's life!!

    My best wishes for the both of you now and in the future!!

    Bob. (sugarsmacks4)
